The Extra+Ordinary Podcast
The Extra+Ordinary Podcast Podcast
We launch tomorrow! 🚀

We launch tomorrow! 🚀

Let's do some inspiring together

Tomorrow is launch day!

While one of our producers, Jennifer Bassett, has launched plenty of podcasts (because she’s a professional podcast producer), I, your host and co-producer, Carolyn, will be the one hitting the “publish” buttons for this show. And I’ve never launched a podcast before. The training wheels are coming off!

But I’m pretty sure the #1 thing all podcasts, blogs, brand, books, and even once-scorned cruciferous vegetables like kale need to become their most successful selves is: word of mouth support.

If you’re not sure about Extra+Ordinary yet, no problemo, take your time. I’m confident we’ll win you over.

But if you’re already excited, would you please share this trailer with one—or two, or five, or sixty-seven—people you know?


We can’t wait to share these stories with you—tomorrow!


Carolyn & JB

P.S. If you’re in the NY area, come to our launch party next weekend! You can also support the show and abortion access by donating through that event link, or by becoming a paying subscriber.

P.P.S. Thanks to each one of you who has already pledged! Paid subscriptions will be turned on tomorrow, and you can cancel a monthly subscription any time. Your contributions help the many talented professionals we’ve been honored to work with on this project. 🌟